All businesses required to file Business Tax return filing in Pune each year. In addition to filing income tax return, a business may also be required to file TDS return and pay advance tax to stay compliant under the Income Tax Act. Startupportal is India’s largest tax services platform offering a range of services like incorporation, GST return filing, income tax filing and more. Startupportal can help file income tax return for your business and ensure it remains compliant under the Income Tax Act and Rules. The average time taken to file an income tax return for your business is 3 to 5 working days.
Partnership firms (registered or unregistered) are required to file income tax return in form ITR 5 each year. Partnership firms attract income tax at the rate of 30%
Limited Liability Partnership firms registered in India are required to file Income Tax Return in Form ITR-5 each year and MCA Annual Return
All types of companies registered in India are required to file Income Tax Return in Form ITR-6 each year and MCA Annual Return.
Any individual who has business income is said to be operating a proprietorship firm. Proprietorships operating in India are required to file income tax return each year. Since proprietorships are considered to be one and same as the proprietor, the income tax return filing procedure for a proprietorship is similar to individual income tax return filing.
All partnership firm are required file the income tax return, irrespective of amount of income or loss. Partnership firms are taxed as a separate legal entity under the Income Tax Act. Hence, the income tax rate applicable for partnership firms is similar to LLPs and Companies registered in India.
All companies registered in India are required to file income tax returns each year. Under the Income Tax Act, company tax return filing falls under two categories, namely domestic company or foreign company. Companies registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs like Private Limited Company, One Person Company or Limited Company are classified as a domestic company.